Through the course of time, connection between people have been made easier and faster. Developments of different application that helps people connect to another despite the difference in distance and time have been rampant. Viber Media developed an instant messaging and Voice over IP application for smartphones called Viber. It is compatible for use with iOS, Andoid, Blackberry OS, Nokia Series 40, Symbian, Bada, Windows Phone, Mac Os, and Microsoft Windows. It works over 3G, 4G, and Wi-Fi networks. Due to its diverse compatibility with different operating system and its availability of working capability over different networks, a widespread users and is still attracting more users all over the world. Viber has over 100 million monthly active users from its 280 million global registered users. And one of the best thing about Viber is that its installation is instant, you get to enjoy its services right away.
Viber’s features vary depending on the device and the operating system used but despite that its good services remain intact. Thanks to Viber being connected to acquaintances, friends, and family will not be a problem anymore. Connection with them are also made interactive and fun by Viber with its different features. The following are just a few of what Viber 5.6.0 Apk could offer.
- Send text messages: One of the most common means of connecting to people is through messages. As long as you have internet connection or other means you can send messages to people.
- Group Chat: Missing a number of people or organizing a meeting won’t be that hassle anymore because through viber you can send one message to different recipients.
- Phone calls: Sometimes words aren’t just enough, hearing the other person you want to talk to make things better. That is why Viber offers free phone calls.
- Photo Sharing: Keeping memories are best by taking a picture of it but its best if you have someone to share those moments with. Viber will help you with that by allowing you to share photos to people that are far from you.
- Video messages and Voice messages: Viber allows you to leave a video and voice messages to people. Just a quick record and a tap to send it.
- Location: It also allows you to send and know locations of your friends.
- Stickers: Messages are not just about words anymore, viber has made it fun with stickers that you can use in expressing your emotions other than typing it through words.
- Availability in many languages: Since, almost all over the world viber has its users and aspiring users it has been made available to a number of languages to ensure that everybody could experience the services of Viber.
- Synchronize with contact list: It’s a hassle to transfer contacts from your phone to Viber, to be of help viber has this feature to automatically synch your contacts.
Download Viber Messenger 5.6.0 Apk today and enjoy the future!