Why Viber? Viber Application integrates with the Android OS, iOS, Windows Phone OS and other devives, to give you the best performance and experience.
Viber App syncs with your contacts, detecting which ones already have Viber. Simply select a contact in your agenda and talk for free with him. Easy!
Top 4 Reasons for choosing Viber App
- Free text, calling, photo messages and location-sharing with Viber users
- No registration, alias or invitations required
- Instantly integrates with your own contact list
- Best-quality mobile calls using 3G or Wi-Fi
Juѕt like itѕ соmmuniсаtiоn features, Vibеr itself iѕ аvаilаblе fоr frее in the Andrоid Mаrkеt аnd rеԛuirеѕ Andrоid OS 2.0 оr highеr. So, spread thе word among your friends that Viber is now аvаilаblе fоr Android аnd ѕtаrt communicating with them absolutely frее of соѕt.